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"Some practice exams have over two thousand questions which makes things much more complicated and discouraging. I've spent lots of money on practice exams and study guides only to find myself "overwhelmed" with questions and topics I've never heard of! I've taken the practice exam on this site and discovered that these questions are the closest to what I've learned in school." - Milton T.
"I appreciate the customer service, it has been excellent and greatly appreciated." - Caitlin K.
"I want to let you know that I took my test today, and passed it. Thank you for the help." - Patricia N.
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"About ACE Personal training certification . I just wanted to say that i was a bit of a wreck thinking about my exam day and remembering all the things i had learned. I heard about this website from a video online and i am so thankful i purchased this product. My test is 2 days away and i feel much more prepared and that i will know what to expect. This product has been very beneficial to me. Thank you . i passed. Thank you:)" - Krystal S.
"I want to thank you for the service you provide. I used your practice tests while preparing to take the ACE personal trainer certification exam. They helped me identify areas of knowledge I needed to focus on. I passed my exam on the first attempt and I found that my scores in the four different categories were very close to the scores I got on the practice exams. " - L. Bennett
"No issues here. just wanted to say thanks! Between studying with ACE materials and the last couple weeks burning through the multiple choice on I passed. Thanks! Have a great day" - Damien J.
"I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated having your services as I studied for my exam. I took my exam today, and I passed! I am so happy, and all of the test preparation I did on this website with my practice exams and flashcards was so incredibly helpful to me! I can't thank you enough, I am a certified personal trainer now, and your service played a huge role in helping me to achieve that! Please feel free to use this testimony in any advertising you do for your website. I stand behind your business 100%. Thanks so much! " - Christine L.
"I appreciate your outstanding customer service!" - Tracy P
"Honestly, it was the single most helpful tool to help me pass the personal trainer certification exam and I've done about 10-15 practice tests and my score got better each time!" - Amal G.
" “Just wanted to inform that I passed my test (Medical Assistant) with a score of 86 on today. Thank you for the assistance. I'll be sure to refer your website to others.” " - Betty